Monday, April 9, 2007

Back, Alive, Kicking

San Bai Nu(hello), yes yes as some of you already know, we are back in Singapore. Home Sweet Home. We were actually supposed to be back on the 6th of april but we reached only yesterday(8th) so we had another 2 days to enjoy each others fellowship and also the mongolian's company. Well, as you all know, things happen when you least expect them to, so i think in a sense we all learnt an important lesson from this experience and that is that we should not take things for granted and always check and confirm things. Yup.

Look at our "happy" faces. This photo was taken on the day that we left for Singapore at the Mongolian International Airport. Well to be honest, most, if not all of us had this reluctance in our hearts that cry out: "NO..... I don't want to leave.....NO!!!!". Yup you can kind of guess how much we loved Mongolia and its people. Sorry Singapore. HAHA

On the last week of our trip, we met a street kid (a kid that lives on the streets and has no family in case some of you don't know). We actually met this street kid once in the restaurant and we realised that he was actually alone living in the streets so we decided to give him a treat. We met up with him again just to see how we can help him. And we realised that he actually has a family but he ran away from home due to some reasons that he didn't really tell us. All he told us was that his Mum is very fierce. But anyway we decided to bring him along with us to the countryside since we were leaving the next day and then bring him home and talk to the parents regarding him. So we did.

But never did we realised, the little angel that we picked up actually turned into a little stinger flying around us, buzzing and..... Well u all kind of know what happened. But though he was really quite a naughty boy, he had a really kind heart, as in he still cared for us, always asking us to go down for meals, giving us snacks to eat(though we were the ones who bought them) and even asked us if we slept well and stuff like that. Yup but i know that most importantly, God loves this boy and he has used us to plant the seed of his love in his heart. One day, in God's time, he will make it grow, bloom and use him to bless many around him. Who knows? He might even become the next president of Mongolia.

Yup, anyway we are all back to singapore, back to reality and back to our normal routines. As much as we hate to, we have to get back to our ministry, work, family, friends and routines. God will be the one to guide them and bless them.

Prayer pointers:

1) Pray for Mongolia CCC that God will Provide more staff to their ministry

2) " " " " that new batch of students leaders will rise up and be willing and courageous to take up the role that God has appointed them to do.

3) " " our team as we get rest and adjust back to our lifes, that we will still be focused on God and continue to be receptive to the spirit.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

We are all called to God's purpose and plan, but are you going to obey him?

Friday, April 6, 2007

Hello all, thank you for journeying with us thus far. The Lord has indeed bless us much throughout this time.

1. Last Saturday we went to the suburbs to do some social work. We were there to distribute food to the poor, as well as to share the gospel.

It was really an eye-opener to many of us to see how poor the living conditions were. People stay in gers that are merely as big as it can house a family. No toilets, no water...just a space to stay in. Some families are more fortunate to own a television, while others are not so.

People's lives are very simple. They don't really seek to have luxurious lives, but are just happy to have food to last them day by day. Many of them could only afford to have one meal per day. Children are happy to just throw stones and chase one another outside the gers.

Many of them are also very open to the gospel. The simple faith they exhibited when they said "yes" to accepting Jesus into their lives was indeed encouraging to us.

2. We also had a couple of evangelistic events where we invited our contacts. Over this period, there is a total of 35 students who prayed to receive Christ.

Dear supporters, as much as we rejoice in the great harvest we reaped, we urge that you will be praying for more labourers in Mongolia. There are not many Christian movements in the suburbs especially, so we are also not certain what would become of those who have received Christ last Saturday. Please pray for the protection of the seeds that are planted. Please pray Matthew 13:4-8...that God will bless each of those seeds.

As well as for those 35 students who received Jesus, that God will raise up labourers to do follow-up with them. Please pray together with us for the local ministry here.

"He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'" (Luke 10:2)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It is of great joy to be sharing that the students we are reaching out to are very open towards us. Many of them would initiate to come over to our place, others respond very readily to our events. Still others would go for a movie with us; play basketball; and have lunch with us.

They are the ones who are really sincere about making friends. Most of the time, they would take the first step in asking for our email addresses, and when we will be leaving Mongolia. Sometimes they will even be the ones to ask us out.

As much as our team wishes to be a blessing to the Mongolians by bringing the message of love here, the locals have blessed our hearts with their friendship and hospitality. It is truly by the Lord's grace that we have received such favour from these friends.

With that, all the more we are spurred on in our labour in the Lord.

Last Saturday we had a pre-evangelistic event. 35 students turned up for it, most of whom are non-believers. It had been a good time of just getting to know one another.

This week our team aims to narrow down our focus on those who are more open, in hope that we can intentionally create opportunities to share God's abundant love to them. Pray for us as we battle more intensively this week. =)

Just a couple of prayer requests:
1. On Sunday about 12 students will be going to church with us. Please pray that they will really turn up, and for their hearts to be blessed.

2. Pray also for more male contacts. Mongolian guys are harder to make friends with because they do not really open up. This week the boys in our team will be intentionally seeking out more male contacts on campus. Please pray for them.

3. Pray for opportunities to share Christ with our friends. Language in itself is quite a big obstacle for us. Pray that God will open up their spiritual understanding too.

4. Pray that the Mongolian ministry will get to know the students to a certain level as well, so that after we leave, they can still follow-up on them. That the students will still respond positively towards the ministry.

5. Pray also for the ministry in Ulaanbaatar University. There are currently 4 student leaders in this ministry, but 2 of them are graduating soon. Do pray for God to bring in more people in the ministry and to raise up more student leaders who will lead this movement on campus.

6. Lastly, please pray for our team unity, that we will love one another more and more aboundingly each day.

Thank you all for battling hard with us during this time. A verse that we would like to claim, "Ask, and it will be given. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door will be opened unto you."

God bless all of you.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

These two weeks we are down to 3 different campuses to conduct English lessons.

Ronald, Howe Luen, Clement, Jessica - Ulaanbaatar University
Jack, Josel, Lian Wei - National University
Bings, Joanna - Ulaanbaatar Elementary School

Our main purpose of doing that is to establish relationships with the students, so that we can invite them to our events in the next few days. Like we mentioned in one of the previous entries, the Mongolians focus a lot on personal relationships. That is what we are working on each day over here in Ulaanbaatar.

Praise the Lord that over the past two days, we have had new friends coming to visit us at our place. 2 of them were friends made during the Mass E, and another 2 of them were our students from National University. The latter will be coming for Alpha Movement (one of the Mongolian campus ministries)'s Life Meeting later this evening. Please do keep them in prayer. =)

A few prayer requests on our side:
1. Pray for our health. Due to the dry weather and diet (lots of meat), some of us are falling sick.

2. Pray for the staff and student leaders to be able to make friends with our contacts. In the past when foreign missionaries left Mongolia, the contacts made (even those who received Christ) also did not continue with the ministry.

3. Pray for opportunities to share Christ with the new friends. That they will understand what it means to have Christ in their lives.

4. Pray for Clement as he will be speaking during this Thursday's LM. Pray for Josel as she will be giving an evangelistic message on the last night of our stay here.

Thank you so much for standing by us! May the Lord bless your hearts. =)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Last night we had a Mass-E event on campus. Praise the Lord that out of the 31 Non-Christians that came, 21 of them received Christ! It was an opening of the heavens indeed!

Do keep these 21 lives in prayer. Pray that they will be willing to go for follow-up, so as to become rooted in the foundation of Christ.

Thank you so much! =)

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Lord's hands have not been too short to save and protect us. Today we have much thanksgivings and prayer requests to share.

Mongolia is a very dimly-lit place when night falls. Last night on our way to dinner, one of our team members nearly fell into the sewage. Apparently somebody just bought the sewage cover in the morning, and thus the sewage was merely covered with a filmsy cardboard over it.

This team member tried to walk over the sewage, not knowing that it was not properly covered. And it gave way, causing her to fall into it. But thanks be to God that our team staff was there to hold on to her, and that she was strong enough to cling on to the sides of the sewage opening, before the rest of us rushed to lift her out.

It took quite a while for some of us to regain our composure and registered that we need to give her a hand.

Indeed, thank God that nothing worse happened.

We also heard from the Mongolian staff that due to the conflicts between the Chinese and the Mongolians, especially in the recent years, some Mongolians will actually get angered at the sight of Chinese. Therefore Chinese are not welcomed in Mongolia.

That actually put our team in quite a dangerous position, though we come from Singapore.

Last night there was a bunch of men speaking to one another with much intensity, and we got to realise that they were talking about us. They were agitated by our presence, and were throwing stones at the fence and speaking loudly. But thank God that they did not do anything nasty to us.

Please continue to pray for us for protection in this land. Thank you so much. We covet your prayers.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

What a blessing it was to wake up on the first morning and realise it was snowing outside! All dressed up, some of us rushed downstairs to play on the "snow-land."

The Mongolian staff and students are really hospitable. From our food to our boots, they have been a great help to us in this foreign land.

In fact, they are so outgoing that in a matter of hours, we have become very good friends!

Ministry here is done very differently from Singapore. The Mongolians focus a lot on personal relationships. Thus most of the times, even in evangelistic meetings, they go down to personal evangelism - the sharing of the 4 Spiritual Laws booklet.

So far we have been to one of their evangelistic meetings. The response was not very good though. Out of 80 invitations being sent out, only 3 students turned up for the event. Hearing from the staff, the statistics have changed over the years due to a change in times too. Years ago, at least about 20 to 30 people would turn up out of 80 invitations being sent out.

Therefore, we ask that you will be praying alongside us to support the Mongolian student ministry, for unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain.

God bless you.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Arrival at Seoul

Dear friends,

Thank you for sending us off on Sunday. Our hearts are greatly encouraged by your presence.

We have just arrived safely this morning at Seoul, where we will transit to Mongolia later. Praise the Lord for His protection.

We had a prayer meeting first thing we reached Seoul. It is good to meet with our Father first thing in the morning...with the sun beaming on our faces. What a beautiful sight!

Yeap, that is all for now. Do come back to visit us! =D

Friday, March 9, 2007

Clement's Prayer Requests

I have been having some stomach upset these feel days and it has not been healed completely yet. Pls do pray for me as the date is getting nearer to the departure date.
We also need prayer support for our funds as we still haven't raised finished yet.Thanks!

We are Finally Going this Sunday!!! :)

Hi Team, friends and supporters,

We are flying off this coming sunday to Mongolia!!! It has been a faith stretching journey for the team to raise financial and prayer support as well as picking up simple mongolian language. Though face with much changes we need to make last minute. I am really encouraged by the team's spirit to perservere on and trust in the LOrd! continue to Jia you, pray and serve one another!
